Proofreading & editing services for students, education providers, businesses, authors, novice writers, publishers & more.
Why Get Professional Proofreading Services?
Content is critical to all text, however, like it or not, the way your document looks is directly linked to how it will be judged. First impressions are very important. We all work long hours and extremely hard to develop our writing documents, so the last thing you want is careless or sloppy errors that blight all the great work. Carefully correcting punctuation, details and mistakes establishes a good impression for the audience, stakeholders, teachers, supervisors or other interested parties. Wise Eyes Proofreading is your second set of eyes!
Wise Eyes Proofreading will proofread your written material – printed or online – to eliminate spelling and basic grammar errors, as well as correct any punctuation mistakes.
Proofreading occurs at the final stage of the writing process, before it is published, submitted or shared. It involves fixing formatting issues, spelling, capitalisation, punctuation, and typing errors.
Proofreading is done using ‘track changes’ so you can see the amendments that we have made. You can choose to accept or reject the changes made to your document. Alternatively, we are happy to make written changes on a printed document.
Wise Eyes Proofreading’s editing services will improve the ‘flow’, context and readability of your text.
Editing involves checking grammar, spelling, formatting, capitalisation, punctuation, readability and repetition.
Editing is the process of revising written text to improve and ensure readability and fitness for its purpose, as well as ensuring that text is free of grammatical errors.
Wise Eyes Proofreading can check the content, word choice, sentence structure and style.
The editing is done using ‘track changes’ so you can see the amendments that we have made. You can choose to accept or reject the changes made to your document. Alternatively, we are happy to make written changes on a printed document.
What Do We Proofread & Edit?
Wise Eyes Proofreading works with a wide range of personal, educational, corporate and government documents, both large and small, including:
○ Resumes
○ Job applications
○ Eulogies
○ Blogs.
Schools, Students & Universities
○ School Reports
○ School publications e.g. school magazines
○ Academic theses
○ School policies and all other educational documents
○ Student essays and assignments.
Authors, Publishers & Corporate
○ Advertising and marketing materials
○ Websites
○ Publications
○ Books
○ Environmental audit reports or impact statements
○ Press releases
○ Staff training materials
○ Informational materials and fact sheets
○ Service forms
○ Procedural or instruction manuals
○ Training manuals
○ Journal articles
○ Blogs and social media
○ Mission statements and charters.
Most professions work within accepted accuracy rates, and editing is no different. A 95% accuracy rate makes a respectable benchmark for proofreading and editing. We strive to find all errors, but we are human.